Where to begin
As I have said in previous post that I never had the burning desire to do art when I was a kid unlike my youngest brother who knew that he wanted to to make art. He was doodling from a young age and sent his stuff off to David Attenborough and received a reply. Me on the other hand was on a different track. Shifting forward to now and I want to have a play around with something physical that I have created from my mind.
It would seem outrageous to think that one could start doing something with little to no knowledge. There’s probably many out there who think that I shouldn’t even try. But if one never tries anything new then we don’t grow. There are plenty of examples of primitive art done by people with no formal training that get lots of recognition. I really don’t think you need to be an expert to be able to create imagery that connects with other humans.
I think that it is interesting that now there has been a democratisation in creating art and that there is such a vast landscape of many different artistic endeavours and that there is scope for anyone to create anything. I guess the establishment may not like this as it takes away their gate keeping. I think also the argument is that it lowers the tone of art. But surely a rising tide, raises all boats? But I am getting off into the weeds. The fact is that now there is no limit to what ever endeavour one wants to take on and theres a video for it to assist in ones learning. However I do learn better if I am shown something. As the barriers to knowledge is removed then it becomes impossible no to learn a skill unless you don’t want to or don’t have the patience.
Beginning at the beginning
So what do I do for real art. Well I have talked about Linocutting, but for this experiment I want to try out some paints. I think the last time I had my hands on some paints, other than a decorators brush and bucket of emulsion was when I was knee high to a grass hopper and painting my toy soldiers with enamel paints.
It is with little prior knowledge apart from the memories of art classes at school that I was usually not talented enough to to be in the group that actually did get taught. But the more basic “just sit over there and don’t spill it” bunch. So it will be a pretty rudimentary effort. It also means a trip to the local art shop, that feels more like buying ones first condom. Whispering that one wants some paints for a beginner and a sketch pad. As apposed to walking in and saying that “I’ll have an A5 Daler Sketchpad and some Windsor & Newton Acrylics” However I have to start somewhere and anyone following this can have a laugh at a bungling attempt to, in my mind create a Turneresque landscape. Or something like it.
Yes you can watch endless tutorials on YouTube but that can take you so far. One actually needs to make a mark on the paper. This will be the interesting bit to see how it progresses. I have got some ideas of what I want to achieve but as usual repetition is what will pay off. Not getting bogged down in perfection. But to find a style, my style is the important thing. I know “we” are influenced by many things and that colours our own efforts. But it does guide what we connect to and like to see.
So hopefully I will have some evidence of my efforts in the near future, and that the whole lot isn’t put in the back of a draw never to be seen again! Of course there is the obligatory haul of supporting paraphernalia that needs to be accumulated. Either unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it I don’t have a mountain of brushes, an easel or a bohemian studio space. Mine will be more like a rustic artisanal corner of a room. But there’s plenty of scope for resource creep. I’m sure once faced with shiny Aladdin’s grotto I wont be able to stop myself. So we will see how I fair.
Until next week…