Ink on the page

It’s been an interesting week. Starting out with ramming a foot into a door frame, then hobbling around. Then an action-planned week which in reality was spent with foot up packing frozen peas. It’s been quite difficult focusing on putting pen to paper. It felt like a bit of creative block. But it’s been an interesting time.

Inktober ‘23’

I have kept going and am only really halfway through. But it certainly is not what I envisaged. It’s funny how some of the images work and some so don’t. But maybe all art is like that! It’s certainly teaching me things I hadn’t considered. It’s really interesting seeing what others are doing.

I realise that this is the first time that I have attempted this and that many others have probably been doing it for a lifetime. Or at least for years. But the whole point for me is the journey. I don’t expect to be an expert. In fact, I probably may not reach competence, just purely as I just get distracted too easily and there are way too many things that I could be seduced by. But for the time being I am sticking to the methods I have used so far. Although I am very tempted to try out something new for the last half. 

Wrap up

This week is going to be pretty short as I am trying to get across a line with some personal stuff and then the coast will be clear. I’m happy I didn’t take up the Alphabet Superset challenge as I just wouldn’t have had time. Teaching an important lesson that I mustn’t over-stretch myself. There are many challenges throughout the year. Even ones that I can think of myself. 

What I’ve been watching, listening to and reading.

I’ve been mainly hanging out on Mastodon.Art this week, gaining inspiration from others. Marvelling at the talent of so many that probably will never surface out of the oceans of creativity. Funny things that have made me laugh and imagery that has made me think. But that is what makes us grow. We have our own path and style but nothing comes out of a vacuum.

One Picture

Autum colours of a tree seen through a window of other trees.

I have got distracted by many other things, (cabin building, wood turning, welding, laser cutting and 3D printing) but all of this feeds into the creative juices. It inspires me to push on. I don’t know where this path will take me but I’ll sure have fun doing it.

It’s not really art-related, but I highlight this video and channel as I see a comparison with my efforts in learning how to draw and paint. Perseverance! This is going to take years to master, but the journey is going to teach so much. Proficiency and experience in a craft is also an important acquisition. It’s also fun to watch.

Along the same lines is boatbuilding. Something I am I’m almost sure I am never going to do but I just find that dedication to the longevity of the project inspiring. I am just trying to follow my journey similarly.

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